Financial Health Investment Project

Today, there is a high proportion of BIPOC farmers in the Southeastern region of the United States. According to farm producer data tracked by the USDA Census of Agriculture, BIPOC producers in the southeast region of the US average over 6% of total farmer producers. This is higher than the national average of BIPOC participation as farmer producers. 

However, despite higher rates of participation, Black owned farms and other farmers of color continue to struggle with access to resources and capital that would allow them to build soil health and wealth by optimizing the economic and ecological benefits associated with land stewardship, whether as owners or tenants. 

The Financial Health Investment project involves a place-based, individualized approach to addressing the financial resilience and long-term success of Black and other minority farmers and landowners. By offering online financial coaching workshops supplemented by one-to-one coaching, we aim to increase financial health, assisting each participant to build strong financial systems that lead to greater resilience and improved access to wealth-building opportunities.

To contact us about possible collaborations, email the REEFS team:

North Carolina Equitable Foodshed Map

Visit our FARMWISE Hub for the latest version of the map, designed as a resource to support underserved farmers and ranchers seeking technical assistance and financial support.


Financial Health Project Testimonial

“Financial coaching has put me in a much stronger financial state. As I think about my future, I’m excited about the possibilities, about being prepared and not being scared. I’m most excited about the fact that I have options. I now have stability and security, and that’s a good feeling.” – Rev. Dr. Anita Wright

Video Testimonial


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