Croatan conversation: Finance for resilience
April 11, 2024
In February, Croatan and Meridian Institutes jointly released a new report: Finance for Resilience: An Overview of Risk Mitigation in Agricultural Systems for Farms, Lenders, and Governments. The report highlights the myriad of major on-farm, off-farm, and systemic risks that threaten the growth of the sustainable and regenerative agricultural sector. Join us on April 11 for a conversation with experts from Freedmen Heirs Foundation, Accelerating Appalachia, and 4P Foods as we explore how finance can be used to increase the resilience of farms and food systems.
This panel will share their experiences working with food chain entrepreneurs and discuss the pathways forward for investors and capital providers to better support sustainable and regenerative agriculture.
- Sharlene Brown, Senior Fellow, Croatan Institute
- Seanicaa Edwards Herron, Executive Director of Freedmen Heirs Foundation
- Tom McDougall, Founder and CEO, 4P Foods
- SaraDay Evans, CEO and Founding Director, Accelerating Appalachia