Eastern NC Resilience Project

Flooding in Princeville NC after Hurricane Matthew in 2016
Croatan Institute is partnering with Working Landscapes to support a disaster resilience planning project in Eastern NC on behalf of the Upper Coastal Plain and Eastern Carolina Councils of Government. Spanning a 14-county region from Northampton to Carteret counties in which both Croatan Institute and Working Landscapes work closely, this project will work with members of local governments – specifically those of smaller municipalities, to identify resilience, mitigation, and funding opportunities associated with extreme weather events. In collaboration with the EC and UCP Councils of Government, Working Landscapes and Croatan Institute will hold a series of workshops and listening sessions in small towns to identify opportunities for action and regional priorities. These efforts will also build upon the NC Regions Innovating for Strong Economies & Environment (RISE) planning process to identify specific points of action to further the goals set forth through RISE. |
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