Redirecting Capital to Accelerate Racial Equity Webinar Series

Our nation is at a crossroads. The continued onslaught of racial inequities and injustices has led to a moment of keen reflection and should lead to sustained action. As impact and other conscientious investors consider how to tackle racial equity, we must acknowledge that the intensity of resources invested in White communities throughout this country’s history has led to today’s income and wealth gaps. Many decades of affirmative actions mainly benefiting White Americans — investments in education, homeownership, and job access — have created disparate outcomes for communities of color.

Today, the investment community must be collaborators willing to invest transformative capital in communities of color — both to address historical wrongs and seize future opportunities — that bank on the full potential of all citizens in this nation. This educational series Redirecting Capital to Accelerate Racial Equity, a Total Portfolio Activation Approach, showcases investable opportunities across asset classes.

Project Outputs and Programs

Redirecting Capital to Accelerate Racial Equity: Leveraging Public Equities

Croatan Institute Senior Fellow Sharlene Brown leads a discussion on public equities provide additional opportunities for investing with a racial equity lens. 

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Redirecting Capital to Accelerate Racial Equity: Leveraging Fixed Income

Croatan Institute Senior Fellow Sharlene Brown leads a discussion on how fixed income investments provide additional opportunities for investing with a racial equity lens. 

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Redirecting Capital to Accelerate Racial Equity: Leveraging Venture Capital

Croatan Institute Senior Fellow Sharlene Brown leads a discussion on the power and opportunity that the venture capital industry has to tackle racial inequities through their portfolio allocations.

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Redirecting Capital to Accelerate Racial Equity Webinar Series

Today, the investment community must be collaborators willing to invest transformative capital in communities of color — both to address historical wrongs and seize future opportunities — that bank on the full potential of all citizens in this nation. This series showcases investable opportunities across asset classes.

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Capital at a Crossroads: Redirecting Capital to Accelerate Racial Equity

Since the events of 2020, our nation has arrived at a crossroads. To create a more equitable future for all Americans, our nation must address our history ridden with racial inequities that have unleveled the playing field.

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Redirecting Capital to Accelerate Racial Equity: Leveraging Cash Allocations

Croatan Institute Senior Fellow Sharlene Brown leads a discussion with community development practitioners on how cash allocations can tackle racial inequities.

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