Total Portfolio Activation Tools for Racial Equity Investing

To grow opportunities in black and brown communities, significant long-term investments are necessary. In November 2020, the REEFS project team began conducting a comprehensive analysis to develop the REEFS TPA Toolkit that identifies relevant investment impact and activation opportunities integrating racial equity as an explicit criterion across asset classes.

This paper offers a synopsis of the evolution from community development and ESG investing to the emergence of investing explicitly with a racial equity lens, proposes a definition for racial equity investing, and presents emerging opportunities across asset classes for investors.  

For opportunities to invest in racial equity, visit our latest research in the Racial Equity Investment Database.

Project Outputs and Programs

New Tool Launch – Introducing the Racial Equity Investment Database

We are thrilled to launch the Racial Equity Investment Database, including hundreds of firms and investable products across asset classes.

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Redirecting Capital to Accelerate Racial Equity Webinar Series

Today, the investment community must be collaborators willing to invest transformative capital in communities of color — both to address historical wrongs and seize future opportunities — that bank on the full potential of all citizens in this nation. This series showcases investable opportunities across asset classes.

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Financial Health Investment Project

This project aims to increase the financial health of Black and other minority farmers and landowners through online financial coaching workshops supplemented by one-to-one coaching. This work will help build strong financial systems that lead to greater resilience and improved access to wealth-building opportunities for these farmers.

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Partners & Sponsors

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